The world you roam is a strange place. Everyone is born into it with the promise of endless possibility. As a child, no matter the circumstance that surrounds you, we all entertain that one unforgettable moment of stillness. The moment when no one else is watching, and you look up to the sky and wonder if your potential is as great as the atmosphere. You imagine your dreams painting themselves across the clouds in perfect harmony, and envision your feet standing in great places. These visions are your genesis of purpose and honesty. This is where vigor is born. 

And then life hits. Dreams are shattered. Honesty turns to foolishness. Excitement becomes anxiety, and everything you were supposed to become is disposed together with your trash and traumas. After the tragedy you are forced to face, your mind can’t comprehend “purpose” anymore.

It’s in that gutter of heart-wrenched, meaningless broken that most people dwell and die. Never breaking free from the pain. 

But that’s not how YOUR story was meant to end.

I don’t blame you for being hurt. I don’t mock your heart for breaking under the weight of mistreatment, judgment, and abuse. I don’t hold your sins against you. I don’t stand on a pedestal and judge you as less than me. I don’t pretend to have a perfect past that you should envy. And I certainly don’t see you as the sum of the darkness that’s come to define you.

I, Your Faithful Friend, was sent here to remind you of who you were created to be. What the world sees as a lost cause, I see as a bright light. You are more than the culmination of your pain. You were created to live out your dreams. To be everything God intended for you to be. I’m here because you’ve lost your way. And while your reality is still dark, I want you to take my hand. Trust me. I can see in your dark. I’m going to lead you to the light. 

This is my promise to you: every week from here onward, I’m going to write you a letter. Some weeks it will make you laugh. Some you’re probably gonna cry. And maybe a few will even make you scream. Feel as much as you can. With each week, and each letter, my prayer is that you will feel your burdens lightening. Your mind will begin to remember the outlandish dreams of possibility that you had as a child. And most of all, you will remember that you were created WITH purpose TO HAVE purpose. I know you can’t see it now, but you have so much to live for.

So, I offer you myself, that we might embark on this terrifyingly liberating journey together. I’m betting certain parts will be a bit messier than you expect, but that’s how you’ll know it’s worth it. And if I’m wrong—if nothing changes and the darkness in your life never ends—then at least this one thing you’ll gain: YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE AGAIN.

Take my hand. Let me be the friend you’ve been desperate for. And together, we’ll see who you were created to become.

With Unashamed Love,

—Your Faithful Friend